
From President’s Desk


Understaind the fast changing nature of the world of technology, we realized the need for an education were (emotion intelligence) EQ & IQ (Intelligent quotient) and the skills have to be balanced. EQ is well balanced in our culture. The school should reinforce the familial traditional and the social customs.With the team of committed and deligent teachers we gradually struck a balance between the heavy curriculam and the social customs.


Name *

Address(Permanent) *

State *

Pincode *

Country *

Phone(Res) with Country Code *

Year of Completion of Class X / Plus 2 *

Period of study in SVMHSS *

Designation *

Email *

Address(Current) *

State *

Pincode *

Country *

Mobile *

Class & Section last studied in *

Period of study in SVMHSS *

Present place of employment *

Category of Membership *

I request you to enroll me as a member of the Alumni Associaation under the category marked. I promise by the rules of the association and honour the name of the school.